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Having the Save button enabled when an attribute value is changed in ArcGIS Pro

06-15-2022 01:02 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

Please consider having the Save button enabled when an attribute value is changed.

If you only edit the attribute table in pro, the save button is greyed out unless you hit enter key. Right now, I have to hit enter key after each entry. otherwise it might not be saved. I have to go back to double check after save edits. It is not efficient. 


I was just starting a similar idea, but will add it here instead:

Add a Save button at the top of both the Attributes pane and the Attributes table. 

Even with auto apply turned on, I have to remember to go to the quick access tools or ribbon to actually save the changes.  If I forget to save attribute edits before moving the cursor to the map, the edits are gone.  


@jyh It would be better to create a new idea for your suggestion (perhaps two Ideas, one for the table and one for the pane).

Regarding this statement " If I forget to save attribute edits before moving the cursor to the map, the edits are gone". That would not be expected behavior. You should not be expected to save edits after updating attributes (even with Auto Apply turned off). If you are losing edits just by activating the map (before saving), please contact Esri Technical Support so this behavior can be investigated further.

Thank you!



Thanks, Scott, I'll split it up.

That's really curious about saving edits because its been like that through many versions.  In fact, I can't remember when this started.  Looking at my notes, I didn't use auto apply for attributes at first because it was painfully slow.  I also remarked on the need to click Apply in the attributes pane and then on Save under Edit.  That appears to have been version 2.1.2.  At some point, the performance of auto apply improved so I left it on since then.  I'll look to see if there are other settings that might be affecting this.  There have been so many changes. 


@JillHalchin check on this setting. Make sure it's set to "Always prompt". If that's not it, then Support can help narrow it down.




@Scott_Harris  Hi Scott, thanks for reply. My setting is/was 'Always prompt'. I guess it is the default setting because I haven't changed it.