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Grant Ability to Access Graphics in Activated Map from Layout

10-09-2024 08:53 AM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

I noticed that if you are in an activated map via a Layout you are unable to get to the graphic options. This makes it so you are unable to select or modify graphics from layout mode. It would be useful if this was accessible from layout as I'm generally doing my editing for a layout from there. I am on version 3.3.1


Layout - Activated (No way to Access Graphics Options)



Regular Map view, able to get to Graphics




Tags (2)

Hi @BrettFrahm 

I believe what you are seeing is a bug. Accessing the graphics in an activated map frame is already available.  Here is a screenshot I took using 3.3.1.

Screenshot 2024-10-09 094726.jpg

The problem you are running into may be specific to your data/workflow. Can you contact Esri Support? They are better equipped to handle troubleshooting steps and gather bug data. They can be contacted at




@TomBole ,

Thanks for checking that. Sure I'll go ahead and make a ticket.


@BrettFrahm - Thanks!


@BrettFrahm - We have found a reproducible case where the Graphics tab does not appear in the ribbon.  We have ONLY reproduced this with a specific project. Other projects containing graphic layers do not exhibit this bug.  This seems to be a very specific bug.

Currently, we do not know what exactly is causing this. I encourage you to continue to submit ticket with support. It is always possible that the bug we are able to reproduce is not exactly the same as the one your are seeing. 

I did find a TEMPORARY workaround. I noticed that if you add a new graphics layer - even one that you delete after adding - the tab is now available for the existing graphics layer. Unfortunately, this workaround does not persist with a saved project and needs to be done again. Hopefully, this might help you in the short-term.

Thanks for the feedback and taking this to support.



Problem with Graphics menu in layout activated maps has been found to be a defect.



Synopsis: The graphics contextual tab sometimes does not appear when a map frame that contains graphics layers is activated.

Status changed to: Closed

Closing this idea since it was reported as a bug. Information here (fixed in 3.5):