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Find then zoom to & select with 1 click

05-09-2017 09:13 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

efficiency could be improved using the Find tool by have a "zoom & select" option you right click on the find result.  Currently, when you use the find, you have to right click, zoom to, then right click again and select.  I am QC'ing thousands of centerline segments and this is becoming cumbersome


Sherie, can you describe the quality control workflow you are performing?  For example are you editing centreline features after zooming to a geocode?


Yes, editing a feature class. Use the binoculars to “Find” the feature. When the results pop up, right click the result and the choices are to zoom OR to select by not zoom AND select in 1 click.

Sherie Taylor | GIS Analyst

Riley County - Information Technology/GIS