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Wayback imagery metadata inconsistencies

11-04-2024 06:33 AM
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New Contributor

I seem to have come across something while attempting to use the wayback imagery layers for a project.

For this project, I've collated a wayback layer and the associated metadata layer for every year since 2014 into one map so I'm able to compare the imagery using the swipe tool. In some cases, I've found that some locations in the north of England, there has been a strange inconsistence arise where the imagery from 2 years are different but the metadata states the imagery is from the same day on the same year - for example: in one location I was looking at near Langdon Beck and imagery from 2019 and 2020 states that the imagery was captured on May 14th 2018 however the actual imagery of the two years was different. 

I was wondering if anyone else has come across this issue? How confident can I be in the metadata date when the imagery displayed shows clear environmental differences?


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