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multidimensional data filters for CRF data in Map viewer

09-06-2022 06:24 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

In the classic map viewer there is a multidimensional filter.  I am trying to filter on a CRF format coming from image server.  This functionality is not available in the new Map viewer and I am seeking ideas on how I can filter in the absence of the feature.

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2 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Multidimensional filter is coming this upcoming release this fall. It wont have the range slider which is planned for a release in early release next year.

*currently in development but this is what the component within map viewer will be like.



New Contributor

Hi Russell,

Thanks for your response,  I figured it was a matter of time before this was addressed.   Is there anyway to gain access to the early release for this new feature?? 



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