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Map Viewer not saving Feature display order setting

02-05-2024 04:57 PM
Occasional Contributor


I am trying to utilize the Feature display order option that is found in a layer properties in Map Viewer (see image below). Changing the Order by option has the desired effects; however, after saving the setting and saving the map, the next time I return to the map the Order by returns to 'Default data order' 


I first noticed this because the display order was not being honored in Experience Builder which makes sense if it is not being saved.  I believe this was working as expected several months ago so not sure if a recent update broke this.  

What is the best way to contact ESRI about this bug? 

Thank you,


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Greetings @KevinBrown10 

That is a good spot.  According to the documentation for Set feature display order, one should be able to save the settings.  I have tested this with the Map Viewer from the ArcGIS Enterprise Portal 11.1, and it works as you expect, it saves the order I defined on a numeric attribute. When I close and reopen the map, the features are displayed as per the saved setting.

I would suggest raising this issue with the Esri Technical Support team for your area.

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New Contributor

I would also like to know if there is a fix for this bug. I want to display on Style Order. I change it from default, and it prompts me to save. The webmap looks good at this point. However when I save and close, then open again, or view the data downstream in experience builder or storymaps, the draw order has reverted back to default. Very frustrating when the draw order is important.

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