I need to completely transfer a StoryMap over to another account for long term housing. The StoryMap has a sidecar block with a webmap containing 2 feature layers. These feature layers (attributes) and webmap will need to be editable in the other account, along with all functions in the StoryMap. So total, I need to completely transfer a StoryMap, a webmap, and 2 feature layers to a completely different account. Any tips and tricks on how to do this?
Not sure if this will work for you. We recently moved from ArcGIS Online logins to SSO logins and had to move content from a users old account to a users new account. There is an option to Change Owner when an item is selected. Select the item/s you want to move and under the More dropdown, there is a change owner option.
You can view someone's content by clicking on their profile. From there you can select all and go to more - change owner.
Transferring ownership works will if you are working with organization accounts (transferring from one SAML account to another SAML account in the same organization)
The way we manage long term content:
The groups work well because then multiple people can have access to edit and maintain the content.
Note: It does not work to transfer ownership of content from one SAML account to an ArcGIS Online public account (unless that public account is somehow added to your SAML organization site)
Thank you all for your responses!!
I do have the “Change Owner” option in the details page for each feature I need to transfer over (storymap, webmap, feature layers). Does the account I need to transfer everything over to need to be a member of my account? If so, is it just as easy as inviting the other account? And once I change ownership, everything would appear in the other account? Because my account will probably become inactive due to lack of funding and use.
When trying to invite members I get a message saying “Insufficient user types: Your organization does not have enough user types available to invite members.” Under licenses/user types for my account, it says 1 assigned 0 available 1 total. Does this mean, in order to add a member to the account I need to pay more?
My account is a different organizational account, completely sperate from the other account. To do the shared group option, do they need to be in the same organization? Or would it work if the other account is added as a member to mine?
I think I might know the answer to most of those questions!
In a nutshell:
I probably missed some things, but I hope that helps!
Sara is correct about most things. I'm not sure about moving to a public account or outside the organization.
I do know that the Insufficient licenses message means that you are trying to create an account (or change license type for a user) and do not have an available license for that user type. It does mean that you need to add a new license to your organization with the same user type, creator probably if that's what you have.
@MichaelKohler @SaraJL Great, thanks so much for the information! I will look more into these and probably contact tech support to clarify. To do that I need to set myself as an "authorized caller", any experience with that?
The primary contact for your ArcGIS Online organization has to do it in My ESRI.
If you are the primary contact, go to the Users tab > Manage Authorized Callers > and then it should tell you all the callers and their Call-In ID.