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ArcGIS Rest API - Query(Feature Service) - Spatial Query Returns too Many Records

11-08-2024 02:18 PM
Occasional Contributor

I am having trouble with the query rest endpoint of a feature service. I confirmed in ArcGIS Desktop that the layer being searched should have only 1 feature that intersects with the point but the query is returning 2 records. The other record is close by but does not overlap the one that should be selected. They don't even share a common boundary. 

I tried reducing the distance but anything smaller than 0.01 will result in no feature getting selected.



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Occasional Contributor

More details - 

I ran the same query in ArcGIS Pro using the same project used to publish the map service and it did not select multiple records. 

I played with different 'Spatial Relationship' and 'Distance' settings on the REST endpoint and could only get either 0 or 2 records returned. The correct result is 1 record.

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