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Add Water Utility Symbology

08-22-2023 10:01 AM
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Occasional Contributor

How do I add water utility symbology to a map in arcgis online?

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9 Replies
Emerging Contributor

How do you bring in the downloaded symbols? The second link seems to explain how to create and save your own. Thanks.

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Emerging Contributor

If you try to bring in the stylx layer through the styles folder, arcpro doesn't seem to see the stylx file. Is this a glitch that is being addressed?

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Esri Notable Contributor

I am using 3.4 version of Pro and am not Seeing that issue under Styles folder in Pro Add > Add Style 

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Esri Notable Contributor

Bring them into Map Viewer after publishing or into Pro? 

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Emerging Contributor

Yes, this is for Pro. I found my way to this string looking for downloading symbol options.

They don't seem to work in pro. I changed the file name to .STYLE and it will bring them in but not work. Pro won't find the .stylx layer.

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Esri Notable Contributor

If you are using import it will show the .style files. If you are using the Add it shows the stylex

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Emerging Contributor

The style file doesn't seem to work. It won't find the stylx file. I'll just look for a different source. Thanks.



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Esri Contributor

Greetings @Ivy_Hinson 

And if you want to take your Water Utilities to the 3D realm, please check 3D Workflows: Utilities

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