can you explain more the idea of 1.2, then 1.3, etc. please . Thanks
This is a dang innovative solution. Hats off to you sir. I love this
If you find a shortest path from location A to B and now want to find another path, you can make the shortest path a little slower and solve again! To make the path slower, you can take the output of the route solve and load it as a line barrier into the same route analysis layer. You can set it to be a scaled cost barrier and set the scale to be 10 percent higher. So, you can set the scale as 1.1, that is all costs of lines under that line barrier will be multiplied by 1.1 or ten percent more. Solve. You should get a different path. Now take the route output and again add it as a scaled cost line barrier with scaled cost of 1.1 and solve. So roads that are common will now be scaled 20 percent. OR you could have taken the first line barrier and changed its scale to 1.2 and solve may give you another path.
This is a good way to generate some alternate paths. But not a good way to generate ALL paths.
Jay Sandhu
Thanks jay for your reply
Actually, I want to create a model for that . A model that can allow me to found all paths possible from point A to point B (inside an area that i want to close all road lead on it )
any idea please about the model please ?
There is NO way to generate all possible paths from A to B as there can be an infinite number of paths. I still think you are not approaching the problem in the right way. If you have a start location A and a destination polygon area B and you want to cut access to B, then one way to do this is to use the BUFFER tool and buffer the B polygon area by some value like 100 meters. Then convert the buffer polygon to a line and load that line as a line barrier into your route analysis. This will stop all paths going into B. The other option was as I mentioned in the other email, use service area lines to find lines that connect to B and place restrictions on them.
If this is not what you have in mind, please explain to me how the solution will look like?
Jay Sandhu