Hello again -
I seem to have lost all of my Instance Saturation Percentage values for my .../monitor/monitoring/components/9550/overview page showing my Federated ArcGIS Server Component of the default System Collection that I've had since 2023.3.1
All of the map/image/feature service instances are all zeroed out and I don't know how to get them back.
The graph is just all zeros:
Its a 2-machine cluster. Is it a web context url somewhere? I did add the web adaptor. It is working fine. I can get to monitor from either the internal dns like so ...gis06.ourorg.net:30443 or through the web adaptor
I'm getting request rate counts and response times but for the site but that's it. Do I need to re-register the site now that I have added the web adaptor? I just have no idea what is happening.
I am experiencing the same issue on 2024.1. All of my services no longer have metrics as well.
yeah I can't figure anything out! I've got a support call with esri support, maybe they can help.
I am experiencing the same symptoms after upgrading.
I can tell one thing that is different or has changed from my 2023.3.1 Monitor where I did not have to use Agents on all of the components.
For my ArcGIS Federated site, the address used to be the DNS name of one of the machines for the site:
but now with the Agents in place on the 2machine cluster, the address is registered as
where agsfed is the web adaptor name but if that's the case it should register as
I don't think this is right, but I dk
For us, "ags3.ourorg.net" is the alias assigned to the webserver "severname.bcc.ourorg.local" by our F5
Can you please contact Esri Tech Support and open a case, so we can collect more information as we investigate this issue?
Yes, I have a support session beginning shortly
Hi everyone
Thanks for reporting this. Dev team is aware the core ArcGIS service metrics are all reporting zeros, which in turn affects calculated metrics such as Instance Saturation. The root cause and will have the fix included into a 2024.1.1 patch to address these 2024.1 issues. This patch is being scheduled now and will be out as quickly as we can.
Hi @EsriEvan
Any updates on the patch release date?
HI @LachlanWainwright,
The team is working to address several bugs for the Monitor 2024.1.1 patch. We're expecting to have it ready for early March timeframe. Thanks for your patience.
Hope this helps,