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Loading a local SLPK on the Meta Quest?

07-17-2024 03:06 AM
Occasional Contributor

How can i load a local SLPK on the Meta Quest. It works perfect with the absolute path in Windows.

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5 Replies
Regular Contributor

Hello. Please refer to this link in our public GitHub samples on how to load to the oculus quest. This sample was designed around vr headsets so we have verified it works with the quest. 

Additionally please check out this link to see where the persistent data path is on android devices to ensure it is in the correct location. 
if you have any other questions please reach out,

Mason Gaw

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Occasional Contributor

I got it running for local, this is the way. Some of the steps are for https acces.

1.Update OpenXR to 1.10.0
In your Project Folder/Packages/ - open the manifest.json and update the line "com.unity.xr.openxr": "1.10.0"

2. copy your SLPK and VTPK files to your Meta Quest 3 via Sidequest to this path


3. In Unity Project Settings/Player/OtherSettings

  • allow downloads over HTTP - always allowed
  • Install Location - Prefer External
  • Internet Access - Require
  • Write Permission - External(SDCard)

4. In Unity Project Settings/Player/Publishing Settings

Custom Main Manifest - check

5. In Unity Project Settings/XR Plug-in Managment/OpenXR

under the Android Tab/OpenXR Feature Groups/Meta Quest Support

click on the settings icon on the right - a Meta Quest Support window pops up - uncheck Force to Remove Internet Permission

6. In your ArcGisMap Component 

use -   /sdcard/Android/data/yourProjectName/files/yourfilename   - as source

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Occasional Contributor

yourProjectName = ProjectSettings/Player/OtherSettings - Identification - Package Name

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Occasional Contributor

The Meta Quest needs an Internetconnection, even the files are local.

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Regular Contributor

The Quest 2 doesnt need a internet connection for slpks. All must local like this:


layer = new Esri.GameEngine.Layers.ArcGISImageLayer(Application.persistentDataPath + "/Topographic_v4_2D.tpkx", "Topographic_v4_2D", 1.0f, true, "");




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