Percentage Values in Pie Chart

11-22-2023 06:02 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
New Contributor III

Hello everyone!

In collaboration with my team, we've been exploring ways to enhance our visualizations in ArcGIS Insights. One idea that surfaced during our discussions is to incorporate percentage values (%) directly into the Pie Chart, mirroring the feature present in the Stacked Bar Chart.

While I'm not certain if this is achievable through calculations in the view table, we believe introducing an option to display percentage values directly on the pie chart, akin to the stacked bar functionality, could provide valuable insights and improve data comprehension.





Your thoughts and feedback on the possibility of implementing this feature would be greatly appreciated!


1 Comment

I have been working with adding percentages to my data this week and I was able to get the donut/bar/column charts to show the percent in this way through a summary table and calculation.

I created a summary table of my data (in this example: region, timesheet description, and hours worked)

Then I added a field for percent with the calculation: (HoursWorked/SUM(HoursWorked))*100

When this is plotted it will show the percent and will respond to the filters on that summary table.

The two donut charts are shown below side by side from this dataset:

Donut Charts.jpg


This is also useful on the bar/column charts where you can add data labels and have the % sign after the numbers.