Option to make Card Header and Analysis View inaccessible for Users

12-12-2023 07:10 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
New Contributor

As of now it is possible to hide the header of a card in the report, but it is still accessible by clicking on the arrow. It would be nice to have an option to make the card header completely inaccessible for the user for cases where you don't want them to sort the data in a different way etc...

Similarly, it would be nice to completely hide the Analysis View as well, OR have some possibilities to describe the analysis.



@SebFischer  I would like to understand the use case to lock the card headers or the analysis view. 

The card header contains the tools/buttons that are core to the card and are necessary to support accessibility, Keyboard navigation, and narration. It also contains a Filp card button which will let you see the card description and statistics. 

For describing your analysis you have a couple of options.

1. You can create a Text and Media widget card to describe your analysis

2. You can add more information on the back of the card.

Look at some of the examples in the Sample Gallery.

Here is one of my favorites: https://insights.arcgis.com/#/view/0b53885b624645e9b8305bc7baa0ea66


Hey AkshayHarshe,


Let's have a look at the Insights City Report you mentioned in your post - by having access to the header I can sort the data in a way where the arrow and text they added over their card doesn't make sense anymore. It is kind of perfectionist, but giving the option to completely hide the header (or maybe just the sort function) can help for some cards. 


Analysis View:

For most of my use cases, if I show the analysis process publicly I need to explain in detail in order to be transparent. This applys especially to filters, where users might smell the sense of data manipulation and I would like to explain the purpose of the filter right there rather than somewhere else (or have the option to not show it at all).


Hope that makes sense.

Best regars



@SebFischer Thanks for elaborating. We certainly can't hide/lock the header bar but it makes sense to give an option to users to lock the sorting. 

I acknowledge your troubles in explaining what the analysis is doing, though, the information on the tools is not shared to protect the attributes and field names you are using.

I will discuss both but I think the latter one needs additional discussion and has less potential to change.