Following for any more advice, as I am having the same issue.
I raised a support case and got the following back from ERSI. It's a known bug and there is a tentative work around, which unfortunately it didn't work for me but it may work for you:
I'm interested to see if anyone else has any other suggestions.
Thank you! So strange, I tried it and it worked for one map and then not for another. Seems to be hit or miss for me.
Anybody found solution to this? I also have the same problem - Thanks
@GlennSlade I think I found a solution. My workflow is below:
1. in Acrpro you must save you shp/ feature class into a geodatabase (WGS84 coordinate system).
2. once saved in the GDB, use the tool "Add global IDs". You need to do it for each feature class, but you can do them all at once with the tool.
3. zip the GDB and upload it to the ArcGIS online map and continue work flow as usual. This seemed to work for me.
I also tried sharing as web layers from ArcPro to ArcOnline and that worked like 2 times and then stopped working for some reason. The above work flow is the only consistent one I have found.
There may be an easier way... ArcPRO > Share > Web Map.
Make sure to 'analyze' before publishing. This will let you know if you're missing any GlobaIDs and give you option to add. It will let you know if any coordinate system errors are present and need fixed.
From there, you can update sharing and open in Field Maps designer.