Hi, I added recently the BA Widget on my experience.
The user can draw a point on a map, choice buffers and generate an infography.
But the problem is the following, my users that are on "Viewer" role can't access to this widget.
What I have to do to let them an access ? I need to change their role on "Editor" ? Change their user type on Creator ? I'm forced to attribute them a ArcGIS Business Analyst Web licence ?
I seemingly cannot find exactly what you're looking for in terms of what user type to apply, but I did find this page, and under usage, it states that GeoEnrichment and Network Analysis access is needed, https://doc.arcgis.com/en/experience-builder/latest/configure-widgets/business-analyst-infographic-w...
I would attempt to assign a single user a creator user type with data editor access to be sure that it is needed.
This access is needed only to use the BA application. I'm looking about the authorization level to use a widget who call infography from BA application.
It seems to be that the minimal require is the Creator user so
Usage notes
To create anExperience Builderapp with theBusiness Analystwidget, you must be signed in with anArcGIS Onlineaccount that hasprivilegesfor GeoEnrichment and Network Analysis. These privileges are also required to use theBusiness Analystwidget in an app at run time. Organization members without privileges can use the widget if you, the app creator,authorize access to GeoEnrichment with your subscriptionand share the app with them. If you do, and if you change the app share settings toEveryone (public), anyone outside your organization can also access the widget. If you share the app publicly, you must also share all custom infographic templates and contents for the widget to work properly.
It is recommended that you consider if you want to share the app for public use by authorizing access to GeoEnrichment with your subscription because using this widget consumes organizationcredits.
- Viewing infographics with the widget consumes 10 credits per 1,000 views.
- Exporting infographics to PDF, Excel, or HTML consumes 10 credits per export.
You can choose which export options are available to users at run time in the widget's settings underInfographic settings.
I forgot to precise : i'm on ArcGIS Enterprise, not ARCGOL.
The help page has this version switcher, so you can switch to the relevant version of Enterprise.
I don't understand one point. I have no credit but on the enterprise page it's writted : "Using this widget consumes credits."
I never buy one credit; we are on Portal solution so we do not use credit. Why the doc said that ?
I don't usually deal with all the licensing and credits stuff, but here's what I think is going on.
Usually everything done in Enterprise happens entirely on your local server. But some of the features in the Business Analyst Widget run their processing on the ArcGIS Online server. Anytime you make an ERSI server work, ESRI wants to get paid, so they charge you in credits. So even though you are on Enterprise, you need credits to make this widget work.