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Search requires selection twice and results panel doesn't auto-collapse?

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07-19-2023 07:05 AM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Hi there. I'm building a simple ExB app and have two issues with the Search widget which may be related (if not, I can post them separately). The widget is looking at two different data sources: a map layer and World Geocoding Service.

  1. The first selection the user makes from the result panel simply seems to re-filter the results (even if the original search term was an exact match for a result), requiring them to click the desired result a second time in order to trigger the other widgets.
  2. After the second (successful) selection, the results panel remains visible, obscuring the top of an Editor widget which sits directly below. This requires the user to identify and click the small Collapse button at the bottom of the results (I am using the Compact results panel option).

Am I missing some configuration option to address one or both of these issues? If not, I can add these as Ideas.


1 Solution

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MVP Regular Contributor

Problem 1 is an easy fix. In the builder mode, open up the search result options and check 'Auto Select First Result'. 


Problem 2 is some bad design on ESRI's part. I have a fix if you are using developer edition. Open the result-list.tsx, find the onSelectRecord function and add onShowResultButtonclick()

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas

View solution in original post

4 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hi @DerekMStrout

I've also noticed this, would be useful if this widget is edited. 

Thank you, 

GIS Analyst @ The Rivers Trust
MVP Regular Contributor

Problem 1 is an easy fix. In the builder mode, open up the search result options and check 'Auto Select First Result'. 


Problem 2 is some bad design on ESRI's part. I have a fix if you are using developer edition. Open the result-list.tsx, find the onSelectRecord function and add onShowResultButtonclick()

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
Occasional Contributor

Wow, @JeffreyThompson2, Problem 1 seems to be working now. I swear it wasn't before, and I had "Auto Select First Result" checked. And we are using the standard ExB version (for now at least), so hopefully this is a popular request and can get implemented. Thanks for the help!

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New Contributor II

Would you happen to know why the Search widget is not selecting the matching feature when I have the result panel turned off, but works fine when it is turned on?

My experience has 2 maps, the one users interact with and one I'm using for all the fun back end stuff. The search widget is tied to a dedicated search layer in the backend map, and any selection of a feature from the Search layer is tied by actions to the layer controlling the popup as well as the corresponding feature in the user map. With the result panel turned on, it all works as expected with no snags I've come across. However, when I turn that off (so my non-empty searches can open the correct Section View) nothing happens.

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