I am upgrading my Experience Builder Developer Edition from version 1.12.0 to 1.15. I followed the upgrade instructions from ESRI documentation on this link. I copied my app into the required folder and moved the custom widgets to the correct destination folder. However, when I open the URL https://localhost:3001/, it prompts me for a URL and client ID. I provided the correct organizational URL and client ID, as registered with my ArcGIS Online organization (e.g. https://acme.maps.arcgis.com).
After selecting my experience, it asks for the client ID again, but this time with the wrong URL—it shows the ArcGIS Enterprise URL (e.g., https://webadaptorhost.domain.com/webadaptorname/home/) instead of the Organizational URL. When I enter the same client ID, it is not accepted. Any solution for this. Although I have checked inside the app folder in "info.json" file organizational URL is mentioned.
My first thought, is this may be a caching issue of some kind.
You may need to open your browser dev tools, go to the Application table and click clear site data.
(i would make a zipped up Backup of the new EXP client/server folders just in case before doing it)
Additionally, if its a new install, it might not just be the Client Id you need, if you are trying to connect locally, it may be you need to add the https://localhost:3001 as a valid redirect in the same client settings. (Note on Enterprise, I'm not sure if that's enough. Maybe someone has more experience with this and Enterprise connectivity)