I'm using the query widget in EB to show different meter types within specific meter routes. Simple 'select by location' workflow. I am using the search tool to select the appropriate polygon feature and I have three queries for the three meter point layers (two are feature classes pulled in from internal servers and one is a map image layer) that filter out the meters contained within the selected polygon feature. Two out of the three meter layers work just fine with the query. The third gets weird results every time I run it. On occasion it returns the correct number and displays them all in the list, others it will return 2/50 and only list two features in the results list even though it should be listing all of them.
Not sure if it's something with my FC or the widget. The map image layer and one of the feature classes works fine, but the second feature class keeps screwing up. It will show like below where it only displays some of the results.
We recently encountered a similar issue and have implemented a fix. Please check your case after the upcoming release. Thank you!
We are experiencing the same issue. Do you have a link or bug ID, where we can finde more infomation, and when we can expect the fix implemented on ArcGIS Enterprise?