So i have a Web experience project with a feature layer containing incidents with their date & time, coordinates and other info. (Below is the table)
I want to create a chart that show the number of attacks on a daily basis. (Below is an example of the chart)
The trick is that i want this chart to also be linked with the main timeline slider that controls the map and other charts and information.
Is this possible in Web Experience? If yes, i would greatly appreciate your guys help.
I've trying to do some things between the notion of time and charts... but i quickly give up, there is too much limitation imposed by the chart widget.
I switched to an arcade expression on pop-up box (Map Viewer) to make a customized chart by using the API of quickchart.io on each point of my map.
Currently the bar/ column does not support a date field parsing. It only treats the field as a string, so cannot group incidents for specific time binning.
The good news is this feature is coming! It will be available in November AGOL release.
Oh yeah ! that's sounds very good ! thanks for your feedback
@Wei_Ying Currently, post November AGOL release, charts do not change when using the time slider. Is this possible? Here is an example of what I am trying to accomplish, but notice while the data point change, the chart values remain the same:
@AndrewPadilla It seems your are using chart in Map Viewer? Would you report the issue to them?
Also, in Experience Builder the chart should filter data according to time slider if using the same data.