Hey all,
Wondering if anyone else is experiencing issues remaining after the Hosted Feature Services issue on Monday.
For myself, one of our main Experience Builder solutions only seems to function in Chrome, not Firefox or Edge. On Monday, it wouldn't work in any browser. Since the issue was marked as resolved, it seems to never work in Edge, sporadically or partially work in Firefox, but seems to consistently work in Chrome.
The Experience has a toolbar at the top. Looking at two widget as indicators (layers and near me), all seems to work in Chrome; layers sometimes work in Firefox but near me never works; and no widgets work in Edge.
Chrome - All is good here (though performance is still slower than before Monday)
Firefox - Layers seem to work but Near Me never does
MS Edge - Nothing works!
I'll likely get in touch with the support team but I thought I'd ask here first to see if anyone else has been experiencing issues.
Thanks all!
In addition to the standard WebMap, I have a WebScene as part of the Experience which isn't loading at all in any browser! It just has the endless loading animation on screen. Note that if I open the WebScene itself, it works just fine, but it does not work as part of the Experience.
Interestingly enough when I try to edit the actual Experience, everything works as expected, even in MS Edge. This includes all widgets + the 3D view. Basically it works as it did before the service disruption on Monday. However in the actual live version, things decide to stop working.
Functional 3D view - MS Edge while editing the Experience
Functional Near Me widget - MS Edge while editing the Experience
I just got off the phone with Esri Tech Support (thanks Colin!). In addition to the Hosted Feature Service disruption, there has been another issue with Services5. The layers in my org are on services5 (URL of items is https://services5.arcgis.com/...). That issue has recently (today recently) been marked as resolved. The issues I'm facing may be related to that and will hopefully resolve itself once things fully reboot. Will post a third update tomorrow morning.
After testing my Experience this morning (Thursday) across three browsers, Firefox seems to be fully functional (widgets & 3D scene all working); Chrome is functional for all widgets, but the 3D scene still does not load; Edge continues to not function for any widgets or the 3D scene.
I'll be in touch with Esri support again today and will continue to provide updates.
Some positive-ish news on my end. The Experience seems to be fully functional across the three browsers I've been testing (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on separate machines (and tablets). The Esri support staff that took on my case was not able to reproduce the issue on his end as everything was working fine. I tried the Experience on a separate desktop machine and it also worked just fine. I then tried it on a tablet (both the tablet view and forcing a desktop view) and that again worked fine. The issue seems to be localized to my laptop.
I've tried updating the browsers, clearing the cookies, cache, etc., all to no avail. On my laptop, things still only fully work in Firefox, partially work in Chrome, and do not work at all in Edge.
More updates to come here as this progresses...
It seems things are back to normal! Both the hosted feature services issue and the services5 issue seemed to work in tandem to cause the Experience to not function and have performance issues. Firefox was the first to be fully functional, followed by Edge, and lastly Chrome.
Regarding Chrome, I kept having issues with the 3D scene not loading. This was due to user error. A solution for a separate issue was to turn off graphics/hardware acceleration, however 3D scenes cannot load with that option disabled. When the embedded scene tried loading, it returned a constant loading symbol. However, when launching the scene on its own, the error message that a scene cannot be opened without utilizing hardware acceleration appeared. Once I turned on the option again, the embedded scene worked.
All in all, it seemed to be a solution that essentially "fixed itself" once the underlying causes from the hosted feature service and services5 had time to recover. Clearing cookies, cached content, etc. was a good initial step to see if that solves the problem, along with trying on different browsers and machines to see if the problem could be replicated. Regarding 3D scenes, if they are not loading, ensure hardware acceleration is turned on in your browser and try reloading. Thanks to Colin from Esri support for all his help with this issue!
Solved! Go to Solution.
It seems things are back to normal! Both the hosted feature services issue and the services5 issue seemed to work in tandem to cause the Experience to not function and have performance issues. Firefox was the first to be fully functional, followed by Edge, and lastly Chrome.
Regarding Chrome, I kept having issues with the 3D scene not loading. This was due to user error. A solution for a separate issue was to turn off graphics/hardware acceleration, however 3D scenes cannot load with that option disabled. When the embedded scene tried loading, it returned a constant loading symbol. However, when launching the scene on its own, the error message that a scene cannot be opened without utilizing hardware acceleration appeared. Once I turned on the option again, the embedded scene worked.
All in all, it seemed to be a solution that essentially "fixed itself" once the underlying causes from the hosted feature service and services5 had time to recover. Clearing cookies, cached content, etc. was a good initial step to see if that solves the problem, along with trying on different browsers and machines to see if the problem could be replicated. Regarding 3D scenes, if they are not loading, ensure hardware acceleration is turned on in your browser and try reloading. Thanks to Colin from Esri support for all his help with this issue!
Yes, same behavior using Edge. Everything works fine when editing but in the published app, the search widget does not work at all and popups work intermittently.
Thanks for sharing! I did reach out to Esri Support and they mentioned that there was also a disruption with services5 which is what layers on my org are on (REST URL of items is https://services5.arcgis.com/...). That issue was resolved today, but what we're experiencing might be leftovers from that disruption which will hopefully resolve itself over time.
I'll be sure to post updates in this thread as the support case continues, but fingers crossed it fixes itself by tomorrow morning.
Glad to find your thread and for the positive news. Thanks.
Morning! I just tested my Experience across three browsers and unfortunately I'm still experiencing issues. That said, the Experience is fully functional in Firefox; widgets work in Chrome but not my 3D scene; and MS Edge continues to not function for any widgets or the 3D scene. I'll be in touch with Esri support again today and will update here accordingly. Hopefully you had better luck on your end!
I'm wondering if that might be the issue I'm experience with the filters not complying with the requests (only if I try to filter the same layer for two different fields).
It does not work in Edge, Chrome, Brave and Firefox.
It does work in Safari.
Context: I have scene viewer with a multipatch layer with fields related to the variants (01 to 06) and to the Phase (Zwischenbesprechung - Midterm and Schlussabgabe - final delivery). If I use one of the filters, either the variants or the phase, the filter works just fine. But if I use them together with an "AND" clause, all of a sudden the filter does not comply completely. And that is the strange part, it kinda complies partially but some features just appear and I don't know why. I already tested the rest API and the queries are working fine, there are no mixed features, that is, features it shouldn't be appearing because they should have been filtered out. So there is some issue with the browser with the filtering that I don't really understand. I also tried to do one filter then using the list with framework action (filter data records) and exactly the same issue with the same geometries reappears.
Here is how it should be:
working on Safari for both phases, example of one variant.
Here is how it appears in the other browsers:
Do you see the random geometries mixed in the middle?
Here there is some feature from variant 04 appearing when variant 01 is the one actually selected.
Here is not only the variant wrong, but also the phase.
For all the variants and the phases, it always the same geometries not complying.
Does anyone has an idea?
Thanks for sharing such detailed notes on what you're experiencing. The latest update for me is posted in the original post, but as a brief overview, when I try the Experience on a separate machine (tablets also included) it seems to work just fine. The issue is apparently localized to my laptop and doesn't occur on other devices.
Have you tried your Experience out on a separate machine? I wonder if things will work fine for you there and if your issue seems to be localized to your primary machine like it is for me.
So in my case it was an issue with the layer (not sure if the feature or scene layer). Not sure what actually happened that the double filtering would just not work (I did rebuild the cache). The issue was consistent in different browsers (and I'm almost sure in different computers). My solution was to make a new layer exactly the same and this time it worked without issues.
It seems things are back to normal! Both the hosted feature services issue and the services5 issue seemed to work in tandem to cause the Experience to not function and have performance issues. Firefox was the first to be fully functional, followed by Edge, and lastly Chrome.
Regarding Chrome, I kept having issues with the 3D scene not loading. This was due to user error. A solution for a separate issue was to turn off graphics/hardware acceleration, however 3D scenes cannot load with that option disabled. When the embedded scene tried loading, it returned a constant loading symbol. However, when launching the scene on its own, the error message that a scene cannot be opened without utilizing hardware acceleration appeared. Once I turned on the option again, the embedded scene worked.
All in all, it seemed to be a solution that essentially "fixed itself" once the underlying causes from the hosted feature service and services5 had time to recover. Clearing cookies, cached content, etc. was a good initial step to see if that solves the problem, along with trying on different browsers and machines to see if the problem could be replicated. Regarding 3D scenes, if they are not loading, ensure hardware acceleration is turned on in your browser and try reloading. Thanks to Colin from Esri support for all his help with this issue!