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AGOL: Map Data Action "Set Location" for Near Me widget causing the extent to zoom out to World View

11-04-2024 11:47 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Hey all,

I am not sure what I must have pressed, but when I select a feature on my map, then selection 'Actions' on the pop-up and then click 'Set Location' with the Near Me Widget, it zooms out to the global scale. I was using this feature, in the last couple weeks without issue. I belieive its from something I did, but I am trying to figure out why it's zooming out to that scale.

Any tips?

Kind Regards,

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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

This may be a bug. After reviewing possible actions, it seems that when you set the location for the first time after refreshing the browser, the map zooms all the way out. On the second attempt, it works as expected, creating a buffer around the feature and panning to it.

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