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Wrong Wayback Imagery loaded

10-10-2024 09:34 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi there, from my Exp Builder application (enterprise) I am loading different kind of items (layer, tile, wms, wmts, ..). When I add a WMTS like the Wayback Imagery (2023-12-07) with url:

I noticed that the layer.title says: "World Imagery (Wayback 2024-09-19)"   once the layer is loaded

So, if I try to load any other Wayback WMTS (different date) looks like it always is loading the  World Imagery (Wayback 2024-09-19)

My question is: Is there a way to load explicitly a Wayback Imagery for a especific time ?


Note: I am loading these WMTS with:

// Checks if the incomming url (origin) comes from WMTS
if (origin === OriginUrl.WMTS) {
    layer = new WMTSLayer({ url: refURL.current.value })

// Just to check values

// Then loading this layer to my mapView
Thanks  in advance!
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3 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

You should be able to add Wayback imagery items from this group:

Does loading one of these tiles work for you?

Otherwise you can try find the unique Id after /tile/ and add the url directly.

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks for the quickly response. I did try loading different tiles from that group, but all these tiles show only the latest imagery (Wayback 2024-09-19).  

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Emerging Contributor

Closing this post, as I was able to use WebTileLayer using specific sublayer versions.

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