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Register Database

06-06-2024 09:59 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am working on ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 (Windows) on AWS.

I am trying to Register a PostgreSQL Geodatabase, that I can access in ArcGIS Pro.
I can access and import the Features into a Map.

I get an error message, when I try to register the gdb. there is no Error number or useful information to debug this??

The connection property set was missing a required property or the property value was unrecognized. Invalid connection property.[ ]

The Logs say no custom workspace factory in connection string.
There was no option to add a custom workspace factory??
Any suggestions?


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6 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Did you add the Enterprise machine to the pg_hba.config file?

Does the ArcGIS Enterprise machine have access to the PostgreSQL machine in AWS?

What user are you using to register the connection as? postgres, sde, other?

What is the version of PostgreSQL being used?

        Is PostgreSQL RDS / Aurora / Stand-alone on VM?

--- George T.
Occasional Contributor

Hi George
we are connection to PostgreSQL RDS (PostgreSQL 16).
So unable to edit the  pg_hba.config file, as I understand it.

I am connected as an admin user.
I can connect to the PostgreSQL in ArcGIS Pro, and import Features.


When I run the SDE connection file in ArcGIS Manager to Register the Enterprise gdb, I get the WORKSPACE_FACTORY error. 

The Python syntax states the WORKSPACE_FACTORY is only for Snowflake, not PostgreSQL??

any suggestions to assist resolve this?


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Esri Notable Contributor

If your RDS is truly running PostgreSQL version 16, that may be the issue as it is not supported by 11.3:

Cloud based supported DB's:

Also review:

Can you test on a supported version of PostgreSQL and see if the behavior is the same?

I have seen where an unsupported version of an RDBMS may work (partially) on 1 client but not another.

Once you are on a supported release here is the EGDB doc:

Hope this helps!

--- George T.
Occasional Contributor

We have installed 15.5

Still no  nearer to resolving the error.
ERROR: Connection with initial workspace factory failed. Falling back to trying with the SqlWorkspaceFactory.

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Esri Notable Contributor

Thanks for that confirmation on the version.

I am not sure what would cause this specific error, I would recommend that you work with Technical Support case to work with an analyst on this issue.

--- George T.
Emerging Contributor


We are facing the same exact issue. Were you able to find any solution?


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