Hello all,
My org is currently in the process of migrating our production Enterprise servers from on-prem to the cloud. We have a distributed environment comprised of 5 servers: (1) Web Adapter/IIS, (2) Portal/Server, (3) Data Store, (4) GeoEvent, (5) Workflow.
Our URLs will stay the same, but ALL the server hostnames will change. We followed the steps laid out in this Blog post: Migrate to a new machine in ArcGIS Enterprise using the WebGIS DR tool. We edited the hosts files on all 5 cloud servers to redirect the URL from on-prem to the cloud's Web Adapter.
However, when we ran the webgisdr Restore in the cloud, it broke our on-prem Data Store and caused an unrecoverable failure. We ended up having to restore that server from a snapshot to get it working again.
Looking at the webgisdr config during execution, all of the servers reference the URL with the exception of Data Store, it references it's FQDN. Which is fine if you're restoring Data Store to the same hostname, but a major issue when restoring to a different hostname. While I can't be 100% certain this was the cause of our on-prem Data Store failure, but the timing was awfully coincidental for it not to be.
Which brings me here, I obviously need to add more entries into the hosts file of the cloud servers and my question is this: What additional entries do I need? Im guessing I just need to add this:
cloud data store IP on-prem data store FQDN
I am incredibly worried about running the webgisdr restore in the cloud without all of the necessary entries as I dont want to break on-prem.....again!
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!