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Identifying which Data Store item a map image or feature layer references data through.

10-27-2024 11:03 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hello, a quick question. I am trying to identify which map images use a particular data store item to reference the ArcSDE EGDB, and thus which user they reference the data through. Recently we have had a server path change for SDE connection files, and I want to find an easy way to identify which map images use a particular data store (and thus a particular server path and / or geodatabase user).




I have attempted using the arcgis.gis.server.DatabaseManager python API, but this doesn't seem to return an accurate list of the items or count of items that reference the data store unless I am using it incorrectly. Nor can I see a way to query the content item itself using the REST API to see which data store it uses.


Does anyone know how I can either query a data store item to identify feature layers and map images referencing data through them, or query content items themselves to identify which data store they use.

The highlighted fields are what I ideally would want to identify in the image below.



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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I have found out I can query within the server manager interface directly by selecting the database icon as below:





Is there a way I can programmatically query this, so I can iterate through all feature layers or map images and identify particular users or server paths? I am assuming the arcgis.gis.server module could achieve this, though unsure how exactly this would be done.

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Frequent Contributor

Hi @NigelGriffiths 

Use the Service Manifest API call. You could create a script to iterate through all your services.

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