ArcGIS Enterprise unable to publish image collection

07-19-2022 06:46 AM
Occasional Contributor

I'm trying to publish an Image Collection service.
every time I upload the zip file to the Portal, an error occurs during the publication.
If I perform the exact same operation on ArcGIS Online, the service is published correctly.

in the attachment I leave you the example zip that I am using.
does the same anomaly happen to you?

Thank you


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi @Oiligriv 

Could you provide a little more detail about what the error message is that you see when trying to upload the file to ArcGIS Portal? Additionally, what version of ArcGIS Enterprise are you currently using? 

There is a known Bug that may be the cause of the issue you are seeing, see the Bug here: BUG-000147209. The bug explains that "Photos with Locations" option in the publishing interface was added prematurely and the functionality is not available within any version of ArcGIS Enterprise at the moment. 

If this is a functionality that you need, then I would recommend posting it on ArcGIS Ideas to add this functionality. 


Hope this helps! 


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