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Struggling with Folder Data Stores

09-16-2024 12:44 PM
Labels (2)
Regular Contributor

I am trying to understand folder data stores as they might be helpful for a project. However, I have not gotten very far due to a lack of documentation.

Here is what I am trying to accomplish, I have a folder on a network drive that is full of pdfs that I need to display on a web map in portal.  I was looking into folder data stores to make that connection to the network drive. I was planning on georeferencing them into an applicable format that would make them usable with the datastore (tif, geopdf, whatever works) and store them on my network drive. The problem is that I dont know what to do after that. How do I access them in Pro, how do I make them accessible/usable on portal. I could be misinterpreting the purpose of a folder datastore entirely. What is the best practice/workflow for using datastores to present imagery in a portal map?

I understand that this post is a little bit of a mess but I am struggling and that is the truth. If anyone can provide beginner documentation on data stores, that would also be helpful. Thank you!

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4 Replies
Emerging Contributor
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MVP Regular Contributor

You are publishing services to ArcGIS Enterprise. You can publish them as Hosted (copy to Portal) but that's not what you're asking. You want them in the shared folder.

Store data where ArcGIS Server can access it, give it permissions, register the data store, then publish the services pointing at the data from ArcGIS Pro.

I would recommend reading more broadly into publishing services to ArcGIS Enterprise. There's lots of good content out there. I like the Esri UC or developer summit videos e.g.


Occasional Contributor

I don't have any words of wisdom except to say you are not the only one lost on this topic. I did create a registered data connection / folder from my computer that has data I want to reference for a map on our enterprise portal. Yet I cannot see the data in the folder in the contents page of portal. If you want me to show you how I created the folder connection I am happy to do so if it helps get you started. However, after that I am no help.

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MVP Regular Contributor

Folder connection = ArcGIS Server points at the folder. 

You still need to publish services from the folder to access them in portal.

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