Published Feature Layer not Loading Map

4 weeks ago
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New Contributor II

Hi Community!

I am having an issue with a feature layer that I published to Portal 10.9.1. It appears that all of the data is there, I can see it in the data view, but the map will not display any data.



I have tried adding the layer to other maps, have tried adding it to AGOL via URL, and have tried using the map image layer, but nothing will display the data. The map is not just taking a long time to load due to the number of features, it simply will not draw. Any help on this issue would be much appreciated! Thanks so much!

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3 Replies
New Contributor III

I suspect it may have something to do with the symbology settings then. Definitely add some symbology to display in the most basic way possible first to see if your data "appears" and then make sure there are no filters or definition queries applied (If you published from ArcPro, there could have been settings on the symbology or a definition query that may have produced these results). When this happens to me, the symbology is always the culprit.

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New Contributor II

Hi Monica,

Thank you for your response! Unfortunately, the symbology or filters/definition queries from publishing is not the issue. We have tried changing the symbology in several ways and no definition queries were on the layer. We are a little stumped and any suggestions help!

Thanks so much!

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Occasional Contributor III

Are you seeing anything in the logs related to this service?

Open the developer tools in your web browser (ctrl+shift+i) , click on the Network tab, then load the service into the Map viewer. With the service in the viewer, pan and zoom the map. Look at the entries in the Network tab for any error codes. If you do not see any, try to find the requests to the service and look at the contents of the response(s). That might help identify the issue.

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