In my Dashboard I use the same feature service for two element types.
I have two tables that SUM the total deliveries for the month by supplier.
I then have a series chart that provides a chart that shows the total deliveries per per region per month and August the numbers on the table don't align to the total in the series chart. They do for September.
When I create an Indicator for August, I get the correct numbers. This aligns to the raw data in the feature class so it's not the service.
Is there something I'm missing?
I don't have a solution off-hand, but by chance do the charts involve using queries to produce the numbers? I'm guessing they do, or they would have to be a standalone feature. I have had similar issues in the past where queries negatively affected (gave bad numbers) depending upon the point in time when a query was applied - especially on services. I even experienced this in an old version of Pro when running basic statistic reports involving highlighted data compared to the dataset. My experience has been, ESRI suggests that all filters and queries be applied after a service is published to avoid conflicts with filters and queries applied after the fact. Just an idea for you. Good luck!