I have a serial chart pulling data from a table that is part of a feature service (the feature service contains multiple tables and a couple point features). On the X-axis I am looking at a field containing distances while on the Y-axis I am looking at a field that contains count values already populated. For the Y-axis I have the statistic field set to Maximum, the table has already been pre aggregated so the "Statistic" field is only reading the value already set. I have the properties set so the chart looks like a scatter plot. In order for the dots to make sense, I have the "Split by field" set to a name column, when you haver over a dot, the name is displayed. My table for this chart contains 421 features.
For this chart, I am receiving the "Data limit exceeded" icon and error. I have another series chart setup as a bar chart that is pulling form the same table without issue, but is not using the "Split by field". It would appear this is where the error get thrown, when this parameter is set.
I have performed some of the workaround that are out there such as increasing the "Max Record Count" and messing with the "maxPaginationRecords" property without any luck. I would guess this has to do with there being 421 series, is there a workaround for increasing that that will not affect the other chart widgets pulling from the same data?
Hi Kyle, the following post has answers from ESRI so it might help
Also look into this
Thanks, I had attempted the workarounds they had noted in your shared post. I think I may have something else going on as both links reference a 50,000 record limit causing the the warning when I am only displaying less than 500.
Thanks for sharing.