I have been working on dashboards for an upcoming asset inventory. We have three individual layers (pt, line, polygon) that need to be displayed in the dashboard as one data source. Using an arcade expression in dashboards I can combine the three into one dataset and then set up graphs, pie charts, etc. Everything works for me and the other employees who have "Admin" enterprise accounts. The layers, map, and dashboard are all shared with our "Organization" but when users that are only "viewers" try to look at the dashboards, the graphs and charts have the yellow exclamation mark and say "Data source error".
The same issue occurs when all layers, map, and dashboard are shared publicly. If I remove the arcade expression as the data source for my graphs, the error goes away but I am left without the data I need.
It seems the arcade expression breaks the ability for "viewer" account to use the data.
Has anyone had this issue or found a way to resolve it?
That's pretty strange. If it's a public layer or dashboard, can you share any links? Normally sharing is the answer to this problem, but it sounds like you've ruled that out.
Hi Josh,
Thanks for the response. The data we are using is not supposed to be publicly available. It is all internal data but for the sake of getting the dashboards working we tried to open everything to the public to get around any sharing permission issues. Ideally the data would not be shared publicly ever.
We have a problem which might be similar to your problem. We have the same error in some dashboards in the widgets which are using arcade expression as data source. The error "data source error" just shows up in Chrome, not in the Edge browser (everything is fine there), but it doesn't matter if a user is viewer, creator or admin or if the application is public or not. And the error wasn't there some weeks ago. Chrome Version 114.0.5735.91 32-Bit and Edge 113.0.1774.35 64-Bit.
Both browser show in the console of the developer tools a lot of warnings:
[esri.core.workers] Version mismatch detected between ArcGIS API for JavaScript and assets:
API version: 4.20 [Date: 20211015, Revision: 92e806ee]
Assets version: 4.20 [Date: 20220916, Revision: 4a1b176c]
And the Chrome browser has the error:
[esri.layers.FeatureLayer] #load()
Failed to load layer (title: '', id: '188e18561e4-layer-9')
error: l {name: 'ReferenceError', details: {…}, message: 'WebAssembly is not defined'}
[[Prototype]]: Object
Regards Christoph Römer
Did you ever get a resolution for this problem?