I am merely trying to create another table within Dashboards using arcade, but I cannot seem to get the feature set to populate using multiple records. I have tested this multiple times, but I am not sure if I need to edit the feature or if there is some other way to go about it.
I would greatly appreciate any help on this.
var TimeFields = [
{'name': 'InspectionDate' , 'type':'esriFieldTypeDate' },
{'name': 'TimeSlot' , 'type':'esriFieldTypeString' , 'Length':10 }
var TimeSlots = {
'fields': TimeFields,
'geometryType': '',
'features' : []
var T = Today()
for( var i= 0 ; i < 24 ; i++ ){
var V = { 'InspectionDate' : T , 'TimeSlot' : Text( T , 'h:00 A') }
var F = { geometry : '' , attributes : V }
Push( TimeSlots.features , F )
T = DateAdd( T , 1 , 'hours' )
console( TimeSlots.features )
var FS = FeatureSet( Text( TimeSlots ) )
return FS