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Viewport Not Displaying Shapes or Images?

10-26-2016 05:40 AM
New Contributor III

I am using 2015.2 CityEngine. My graphics card is Intel HD Graphics 4000. ESRI's requirement is NVIDIA: GeForce 6xxx / Quadro minimum NVIDIA graphics card or ATI: Radeon X1600 minimum ATI graphics card.

I am not able to see images or shapes in the viewport. I am thinking my graphics card is not compatible to CityEngine's requirement. Before I make a purchase, I need a confirmation to go with the purchase of a new and powerful desktop computer. #cityengine 2015

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello James,

I can confirm, that CityEngine 2015.2 does not support Intel HD Graphics.

Before you make a new hardware purchase, you could try if the latest release of CityEngine 2016.1 works for you.

It now does officially support Intel HD 4400 and later.

CityEngine 2016.x system requirements—Esri CityEngine | ArcGIS for Desktop 

Esri Regular Contributor


Apparently Intel HD Graphics 4000 does not support Open GL 4.1 which is required for CityEngine.

Is there still a way to get CityEngine 2016.1 running with "Intel HD Graphics 4000" ? 

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