Disable PopUps on entire Map

07-13-2022 06:21 AM
Status: Already Offered
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Emerging Contributor

I have used and found many ways to disable PopUps, lately in Pro, my usual workflow prompting this is during editing sessions. Other workflows where this would be useful are out there. I offer no guarantee this hasn't been asked for already.

A useful time saver would be to Disable PopUps on the entire "Map", possibly within Properties or within the Right-Click context upon "Map" tab above TOC pane.

Each layer can have its PopUps Enabled or Disabled, so with multi-clicks it can be accomplished.

I'm inquiring about a more global Map-tab-wide override to disable.


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this might be a bit of an idiot's way of doing it, but personally I select all the layers by holding shift ( clicking on the top layer, holding shift and clicking on the last layer) and then with right click choose Disable pop up's. It works as long as the layers aren't grouped, if they are in a group you can disable them by selecting all in one group and then all in the next, which is still quicker then doing it one by one for all.


A fine workaround, thanks.

There's room on the right-click context menu of "Map" tab, that's ideal but I'll do as you indicated.


Self solved with a fine assist.

That "Explore" icon w/ Map tab, has a No Pop-ups when the tiny arrow pulldown submenu selected, see snip


Status changed to: Already Offered