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What's Coming in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App and ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App (March 2022 Release)

03-16-2022 11:21 AM
Esri Contributor
1 0 1,062

What’s coming in ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App & ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App – March 2022

Exciting new updates will be happening in the upcoming March 2022 Business Analyst Web App and Mobile App release. Keep a look out for our What’s New email, blog article, and documentation that will provide a comprehensive list of enhancements.  


This article includes schedule information such as dates, release numbers, or scope that could change without notice. Customers and partners are advised not to make business or purchasing decisions based on such forward-looking statements.

Improved Void Analysis workflow: Simplified workflow for faster void analysis and an improved results table.  Simply click on a popular list of predefined businesses or a custom list for quick analysis.

This feature is available with the ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced Bundle

Void Analysis Picture.jpg


Interesting Facts infographic tables and word clouds: Understand distinctive facts about an area’s data compared to standard geographies. Users can identify whether an area is significantly different from other geographic areas and populate illuminating infographic tables, word clouds, or build an Interesting Facts panel. 

This feature is available with the ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced Bundle

Interesting Facts.png


Comparison infographic panel: Create single text indicators within infographic panels to clearly communicate the data in a more meaningful and interesting way.

This feature is available with the ArcGIS Business Analyst Advanced Bundle

Infographic Panel.png


New POI data: New points of interest (POI) data for Mexico, Puerto Rica, Canada, and Australia.

Data updates: With this release, key data updates include:

  • Business Locations for the U.S.
  • Traffic data points for the U.S.
  • Crime index for the U.S.
  • Global data updates for Germany (Nexiga), Netherlands (4orange), Esri Thailand, and 44 Michael Bauer Research International countries and regions

Your Voice Matters Survey: Access a short survey to provide suggestions and feedback regarding ArcGIS Business Analyst. We’d love to hear from you!

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