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Supervies Classification output is not showing.

10-01-2023 03:04 AM
New Contributor

I am new to arcgis pro.I was trying to make a supervised classification. at first i prepare my raster data named sylhet.then i opened training sample manager and sampled some class.



after that i opened image classification pane  ,then selected svm, my training sample shape file. sample size 500 and kept the other options default.

after running output raster which is attempt6 was appeared in the contents pane but did not appear in the map.

I clicked on the map and  it said No data.


Both of the raster(sylhet and attempt 6) has the same geographical coordinates.

i tried to export the "attempt6" raster.It appeared as big blue block which was much much bigger than my map.

and when i clicked on it it showed class name water.


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1 Reply
New Contributor

I have the same error, had you managed this error somehow?

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