Cannot open aprx from file explorer

a month ago
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New Contributor III

When I try to open an aprx from the file explorer, it does not open the project. It only opens the software. Or, if Pro is already running, double clicking the aprx in my file explorer does not open the project, only another blank instance of Pro. The only way I can actually open an existing project is to find and choose the aprx in the Open Project menu in Pro. 

Anyone else experiencing this? I haven't found any existing discussions about the issue. I already tried reinstalling Pro to see if it was a glitch unique to my install. The issue persists after reinstalling.

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Open a project—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

covers all the options including your preferred method

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New Contributor III

Thanks for the reply Dan, but I think you're missing my point. I know how to open a project. The issue is that when I click an aprx in windows file explorer, the method I normally use most often, it does NOT open the project as it should. It ONLY opens a blank instance of Pro.

In fact, I've discovered another one of the methods does not work properly for me: When I just launch Pro (without initially clicking an aprx)... it shows me the list of "Recent Projects". And when I chose my latest project, I get the following error message:


The only method where I can successfully get a project to open is using the Open Project menu. Not the end of the world, but kindof annoying as you can imagine.

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