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Arcgis pro to Arcmap

New Contributor

Hi, I have to export an Arcgis pro project to Arc Map for a firm. The Arcgis pro contains a lot of layer and also a bunch of data connected to this layers (attribute tables). Whats the most efficient way to this?

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Check these links:

Import an ArcGIS Pro project to ArcMap

Opening ArcGIS Pro map in ArcMap? - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange 

For ArcMap users—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 

Although you can import and use ArcMap documents with ArcGIS Pro, you cannot export ArcGIS Pro items as .lyr.lpk.mxd.sxd, or .3dd to ArcMap since not all functionality is compatible.

Frequently asked questions—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop 

How do I share a map authored in ArcGIS Pro with someone using ArcMap?

You cannot export a map in ArcGIS Pro as a map document (.mxd). However, if you are using geodatabases, shapefiles, or other supported formats, the data can be shared between applications, and maps can be published as services from ArcGIS Pro and shared with someone using ArcMap, ArcGIS Online, or ArcGIS Enterprise.

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