Update FC extents when loading features outside original extents

3 weeks ago
Status: Open
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ArcGIS Pro 2.9.5; Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB:

I have two identical annotation FCs with existing features: ANNO_1 and ANNO_2. The projection is NAD 83 UTM 17N. The extents are the same and are up to date since the FCs were recently imported.

In ANNO_1, I create a new feature. I'm testing for Esri Case 03605230, so I create the feature outside of the FC's extents (north of planet earth, as indicated by the base map). 

When I created the new feature in ANNO_1, ANNO_1's extents were automatically updated, as expected. However, if I append the new feature from ANNO_1 into ANNO_2 via the Append tool (using a SQL expression to isolate the new feature), ANNO_2's extents don't automatically update. That's unexpected.

To me, appending data should automatically update the extents, just like editing does. I've submitted this as an idea because the docs suggest this might be working as designed.

Define Feature Class Properties - Extent

A feature class has a spatial extent property that is based on the last known spatial extent of all the coordinates in the feature class. The extent property is not always updated when features in the feature class are edited. This means that the values in the extent property may not contain the actual spatial extent of the features. You can recalculate the feature class extent or manually set the extent values.

I'm aware that I can recalculate the feature class extents using a GP tool. But it seems like that should be done automatically when loading data.

Related: Catalog Pane — Load option in annotation FC context menu