Locate Map Tool missing functionality as compared to WAB version

2 weeks ago
Occasional Contributor III

The EB Locate tool seems to be missing some functionality that existed in the Web AppBuilder version, but I want to know if any one else has noticed this. In Web AppBuilder, when selected the tool becomes active, zooms to my location and adds a map graphic. LocateActi.PNGLocatePin.PNG   When pressed again, the tool returns to its original state and the graphic is removed from the map. OriginalState.PNGgraphicRemoved.PNG  This does not occur in the EB version, there does not appear to be an Active state and pressing the button again does nothing so there is no way to remove the graphic except by reloading the map. For this reason we do not use it. Wandering if this is a bug, or if Esri decided for whatever reason the WAB functionality wasn't needed. I have tested this with EB developer version 1.14 as well as the EB Online and found no difference in the behavior. 

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