Scroll through features on Feature Info Widget

2 weeks ago
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor II

Here's my situation and what I'd like to see in the Feature Info Widget.

I have a parcels layer with (in the case of condos) multiple units associate with one condo.  

I added a Feature Info widget and disabled popup-us in ExB (but left them enabled in the webmap).  This allows me to select a feature without activating the selection tool (a normal function people would expect on click).  In the pop-up (if I enable it) when I select a condo parcel, I can scroll through all the units, however the feature info widget only shows the first unit on the list.  However, if I select the SAME parcel using the selection tool, I can now scroll through all the units (see images below).  I would like to either A) Have the select tool default to on and "point" selection (which I suggested a LONG time ago here), or B) (my preference) Update the feature info widget to scroll through units when the selection tool is inactive and selection is made by mouse click.



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