Make Query Table — Support enterprise database tables (non-GDB)

3 weeks ago
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Notable Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 3.3.0; Oracle 19c database (non-GDB); SDO_GEOMETRY:

There are cases where there are issues in Pro, and the Make Query Table tool is an effective workaround:

  1. BUG-000163909: 3D data in an unregistered feature class with SDO_Geometry is not displayed on the map in ArcGIS Pro.
    1. Testing ongoing in Esri Case #03625510 - M-enabled SDO_GEOMETRY FC not displaying in map
  2. BUG-000154798: The 'Select By Attributes' tool does not select only records with specified field values added through a one-to-many join but instead selects all records with duplicate ObjectIDs.
  3. Add Join — Indicate that a definition query on join table will effectively result in an inner join
    1. Bug - Article ID:000007166 - Open Attribute Table returns no values on a geodatabase point feature class with a join and a defini...
    2. BUG-000153808 The Add Join tool does not correctly honor the definition query on the join table.
    3. BUG-000131999 Definition query not working as expected in a joined feature layer.
    4. BUG-000129607 Add Join does not correctly honor definition query on join table.
    5. BUG-000153950 In ArcGIS Pro, when adding a join, the Keep All Target Features option is not honored if the joined ...
    6. BUG-000164109 Exported output is not the same when involving definition queries and join processes.

The reason Make Query Table is an effective workaround is that Query Table seems to use a different mechanism compared to normal layers and table views. For example, a Query Table has a SQL expression, but it isn't a definition query; it appears to be hidden/embedded within the layer.

As a result of that different mechanism, Query Tables work in scenarios where other feature layers and table views don't.

So, it is a very handy tool, but it doesn't support enterprise database tables (non-GDB).

Make Query Table (Data Management)

This tool accepts data from a geodatabase or an OLE DB connection.


ERROR 000837: The workspace is not the correct workspace type.


Could Make Query Table be enhanced so that it supports database tables (non-GDB)?