Managing certs for ArcGIS Enterprise using AWS Load Balancers

3 weeks ago
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New Contributor III

We presently run ArcGIS 10.9.1 on RedHat Linux and are (hopefully) en route to 11.x.    Presently it's a relatively simple Enterprise 6-host cluster, containing two arcservers, an arcportal, a datastore, a server web adaptor and a portal web adaptor.

Presently we construct our own (complex) Certs using LetsEncrypt and update them every three months via our own automation, using the Esri APIs.   But we'd prefer to do something simpler, and instead use AWS Load Balancers (with "onboard" AWS certs).    We could use a few Esri self-signed certs as necessary, and no longer need to manage our own LetsEncrypt certs.

Is this possible?   Can someone point me to documentation?

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