Do you know how to start the SideBar Controller already maximized on the startup of the application with the TabTheme?
edu AED,
This is not something that is configurable, but it is easy to change a line of code to make this happen.
Open [install dir]\server\apps\[app#]\themes\TabTheme\widgets\SidebarController\Widget.js and on line 66 change this.widgetManager.minimizeWidget(this); to this.widgetManager.maximizeWidget(this);
Thanks Robert!!
I also saw this option, but I thought maybe there was some place to configure this.
I have another question, maybe you can help me:
I am creating several widgets, and I can show or hide them from other widgets:
var widgetsConfig = this.appConfig.widgetOnScreen.widgets;
for(var i in widgetsConfig){
if(widgetsConfig[i].name == "WidgetXXX_name"){
widgetXXX = widgetsConfig[i];
this..PanelManager.showPanel(widgetXXX );
This is not working for the TabTheme because the widgets are in Tabs!! Any idea???
Sure here is some code that works:
var widgetsConfig = this.appConfig.widgetPool.widgets; var widgetId; for(var i in widgetsConfig){ if(widgetsConfig.name == "LayerList"){ widgetId = widgetsConfig.id; break; } } var sbc = WidgetManager.getInstance().getWidgetsByName("SidebarController")[0]; sbc.setOpenedIds([widgetId]);
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Is it possible to make the sidebarcontroller a resizable widget? Sometimes the name of a layer is too long to read in the sidebarcontroller (especially on TabTheme layout).
Best regards
I am not sure about making it resizable but you can adjust the max width in the code by editing the [install dir]\server\apps\[app#]\themes\TabTheme\widgets\SidebarController\Widget.js maxWidth property.
Dear Robert
I would like to make is resizable like we can see in the AttributeTableWidget and in http://codepen.io/graham_saunders/pen/vrDxf
I don't use the tab theme, so I have not had the need to look into that level of work to make that happen. I would suggest you start a new Idea ofr this enhancement and get people to vote it up.
If you set a widget in widget pool as openAtStart, the tab theme should be opened as maximized, but there is a bug in the current version so the sidebar controller can't be opened. This bug will be fixed in developer edition 1.2 release.