We developed a custom Google Streetview widget for one of our web appBuilder applications and it is working well. The one issue is that the street view of some places are showing indoor panorama. We would like it to show outdoor / Google official panorama only, so I added a parameter "sources: ['outdoor', 'google']" into "service.getPanorama" below, but nothing happened. There were no errors but indoor panorama still showed. I also tried to add the "sources" parameter into a demo https://jsfiddle.net/geocodezip/bme4mzLv/ and it worked. I tried many different ways in my code below but none of them worked and indoor panorama still showed. I am wondering if ESRI dojo framwork is limitating its working? Is there anyone that had the same issue?
function checkForSVpano(lat, lon, showAC, showPC, showZC, showID, pcPos, acPos, clkToGo, disDblClkZoom, zcPos,
zcStyl, showLC, heading) {
try {
streetViewLat = lat;
streetViewLon = lon;
showAddressControl = getBoolean(showAC);
showPanControl = getBoolean(showPC);
showZoomControl = getBoolean(showZC);
showImgDate = getBoolean(showID);
pcPosition = getCtrlPosition(pcPos);
acPosition = getCtrlPosition(acPos);
zcPosition = getCtrlPosition(zcPos);
zcStyle = getCtrlStyle(zcStyl);
disDoubleClickZoom = getBoolean(disDblClkZoom);
click2Go = getBoolean(clkToGo);
showLinkControl = getBoolean(showLC);
svmHeading = heading;
var myLoc = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lon);
var service = new google.maps.StreetViewService();
service.getPanorama({location: myLoc, radius: 50, sources: ['outdoor', 'google']}, showPanoData);
} catch (e) {
alert("checkForSVpano: " + e.message);