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Exception('Unable to Add messages Job Event\nUnable to Add messages Job Event\n(Error Code: 500)'),)

2 weeks ago
Occasional Contributor

I am trying to copy an item from one portal to another. I've written about the use case in another question.

I have some code like this. Forget about my use case above. Here I am simply trying to add a item to a folder and then publish it. 

item_properties = {
        'title': itemTitle,
        'type': 'File Geodatabase',
        'description': item.description,
        'accessInformation': item.accessInformation,
        'licenseInfo': item.licenseInfo,
        'overwrite': True
# to ensure no prev items can exist in same spot
folder_name = f"_testing_{item_properties['title']}_{str(uuid.uuid4())[:4]}"
 # create new folder to hold
new_folder = trg.content.folders.create(folder_name)
fgd = new_folder.add(item_properties=item_properties, file=download_result).result()
targetService = fgd.publish(overwrite=True)

 I get the error. It appears to be associated with Publish. It is impossible for me to parse what it means:

Exception('Unable to Add messages Job Event\nUnable to Add messages Job Event\n(Error Code: 500)'),)

 Stack trace

targetService = fgd.publish(overwrite=True)
--- Logging error ---
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\me\code\source\repos\arcgis-cloner\src\", line 105, in copy_layer_to_folder
    targetService = fgd.publish(overwrite=True)
  File "C:\Users\me\.virtualenvs\arcgis-cloner-pO5T1BLr\Lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\", line 16273, in publish     
    return job.result()
  File "C:\Python312\Lib\concurrent\futures\", line 449, in result
    return self.__get_result()
  File "C:\Python312\Lib\concurrent\futures\", line 401, in __get_result
    raise self._exception
  File "C:\Python312\Lib\concurrent\futures\", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "C:\Users\me\.virtualenvs\arcgis-cloner-pO5T1BLr\Lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\", line 16550, in _publish    
    ret = self._portal.publish_item(
  File "C:\Users\me\.virtualenvs\arcgis-cloner-pO5T1BLr\Lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\_impl\", line 509, in publish_item
    resp =, postdata, files)
  File "C:\Users\me\.virtualenvs\arcgis-cloner-pO5T1BLr\Lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\_impl\_con\", line 1504, in post
    return self._handle_response(
  File "C:\Users\me\.virtualenvs\arcgis-cloner-pO5T1BLr\Lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\_impl\_con\", line 979, in _handle_response
    self._handle_json_error(data["error"], errorcode)
  File "C:\Users\me\.virtualenvs\arcgis-cloner-pO5T1BLr\Lib\site-packages\arcgis\gis\_impl\_con\", line 1002, in _handle_json_error
    raise Exception(errormessage)
Exception: Unable to Add messages Job Event
Unable to Add messages Job Event
(Error Code: 500)

If I remove the overwite=True then publish does not work at all since an unpublished version is created in the same folder during this process, and so I get the error:

Arguments: (Exception({'message': "Service name 'MyServkce' already exists for '1234abcd'"}),)

I've tried to downgrade to arcgis==2.0.0 from 2.4.0 but the error persists.

How can I solve this error?

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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor

Gave replicating this a try and my 10.9.1 portal is giving a better error:


import arcgis
import uuid
src=arcgis.GIS("", "username", "password")
dest = arcgis.GIS("pro")
my_gdb ="TestData", item_type=arcgis.gis.ItemTypeEnum.FILE_GEODATABASE.value)[0]
download =
props = arcgis.gis.ItemProperties(title=my_gdb.title,
new_folder = dest.content.folders.create(f"_testing_{my_gdb.title}_{str(uuid.uuid4())[:4]}")
new_gdb = new_folder.add(item_properties=props, file=download).result()
new_service = new_gdb.publish(overwrite=True)


I get this error on line 14: Exception: Analyze Service error: Server tool execution failed : ERROR 000800: The value is not a member of SHAPEFILE | CSV | EXCEL. Failed. (Error Code: 0). If I drop the overwrite parameter then there are no issues. I assume overwriting isn't supported for File GDBs, guess you'll have to add a check for the existing items and delete them yourself.

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