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Displaying raster outputs from Python Toolbox

10-02-2024 08:53 AM
Emerging Contributor


I have a Python Toolbox that will be published to our Enterprise portal and will be run in Map Viewer by the end users. The toolbox takes an address as the input, geocodes it and queries a point layer with a 2 mile buffer around the address. The points within that two mile buffer are returned to the map viewer extent and displayed as a temporary point layer. I also create a IDW raster layer that helps visualize potential ground water flow from data within the point layer. When I run the tool in pro everything is displayed properly but when I publish it to our Enterprise system the point layer is displayed in the map viewer however the .tif that is created is only available to download in the results pane of the toolbox run (image attached). 

Do I need to change the parameter type of the raster that is created in my toolbox? Perhaps an image layer? I'm sure there is a way that this can be done but I can't find anything on the forums or online. 

Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.geoprocessing toolbox outputs.PNG

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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

Here is the current parameter output configuration:

            displayName = "Ground Water Interpolation Output",
            name = "out_tif",
            datatype = "GPRasterLayer",
            parameterType = "Derived",
            direction = "Output"
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