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MapView doesn't refresh after showing advertising in MAUI app

11-28-2024 03:39 AM
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Esri Regular Contributor


We try to add AdMob advertising to our MAUI application using Plugin.MauiMTAdmob nuget package. We call Interstitial Ad loading method at the end of MainPage constructor. When ad is loaded, we call showing method. At the beginning we can see map with our data, then ad page shows on top of MainPage. After closing ad page MapView interacts with gestures (scale and viewpoint properties changes), but MapView shows initial extent. Setting viewpoint from code doesn't refresh MapView view too. 

We are trying to change advertising loading place now.

I understand what problem isn't with ArcGIS Runtime, but could you give me some ideas why MapView couldn't refresh.

P.s. On iPhone it works as expected, MapView refreshes.


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