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2025 is on the Horizon: What do you want to see?

12-12-2024 10:41 AM
Esri Contributor

As a member of the Global Business Development Team, part of my job is to listen to the issues that plague utilities, understand the real-world problems they have and recognize complex situations that require a robust and well-planned solution.  I have had the privilege of hearing so many successful stories over 2024.

At ESRI UC 2024 I listened to people from all over the work tell their GIS stories. I heard successes around vegetation management on transmission right of ways using lidar data and deep learning. I saw Plenary demonstrations that stretched ArcGIS to its extents to produce some truly groundbreaking solutions. Overall, the vibe was collaborative and forward-looking. If you’d like to see for yourself check out Plenary Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

At IMGIS 2024 I heard about a new ArcGIS Field Maps capability called Tasks, was inspired by the use of GeoAI to enhance user experience and automate processes. I saw our Utility Customers use Esri Technology to solve problems and give their crews and customers vital information and analysis all in a user-friendly way. Overall, the mood was inspiring and impressive.  If you’d like to hear for yourself, take a look at the Plenary Session.

As my teammates and I begin planning for 2025 we would love to hear from you. What do you want to see?  What should we build?  What topics are most valuable to you?  How do you like to communicate; videos, emails, calls, in-person meet ups? Do you like talking with other utilities? Leave your comments below.

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Occasional Contributor

Im dealing with precise location of Assets, (Electric Poles), compared to our mapping. We are using Field Captured images to geo code the location of the images to the point we have mapped and decide if its needs to be moved in our mapping. Currently it takes multiple steps to accomplish. I see it being benificial to others.